Enterprise & Digital
Deadline for registration
The one-year master’s program in International Business in China (MIBC) aims to provide graduates with a global and critical understanding of the main issues of international business and economic development, and to offer valuable perspectives on Chinese and multinational economies.
Its ultimate goal is to prepare participants through strong skills to pursue an international business career in Asian markets, in particular, in the development of projects and partnership relations between Italy and China. In facing profound global transformations, the Chinese economy is the reference point for Italian companies both for its processes of global commercial expansion and for its management strategies for the relocation of production. In addition, we must also take into account the great interest that the most important Chinese companies show towards Italian companies, which are often the subject of acquisitions and partnerships. In this context, this master’s degree is a true transformational experience for recent graduates who want to fully understand global business and carry out in-depth analysis of China’s dynamic business environment, along with knowledge of its history, culture, law and politics.
The program is designed to provide graduates with a mix of business-related analytical and problem-solving skills and a great focus on major international challenges and emerging issues in international business. The master’s degree, taught entirely in English, aims to provide students with an innovative education, with advanced knowledge and practical sense of Asian management models, thus creating a community of different cultures.
Click here to download the General Information Guide on the Selection Process
The Master in “International Business in China” welcomes international recent graduates from a variety of study disciplines and cultural backgrounds. This ranges from those with no professional experience looking for a degree program that acts as bridge to the real world as well as candidates with up to two years of professional background who seek in-depth knowledge of how theory applies to the real world.
A proven fluency in English (the instruction language) is required.
Antonello Garzoni
Scientific director
Gianpaolo Camaggio
Scientific director
Project Work and Final Dissertation (Milano)
This University Master provides students with 60 ECTS credits.
Attendance is compulsory for at least 70% of total class hours
– There is a 10% reduction for LUM University’s graduates
– There is an arrangement between Lum School of Management and Deutsche Bank to finance the registration fee for the University Master.
– With December 19th, 2019 Ministerial decree, “Individuazione degli importi delle tasse e dei contributi delle Università non statali ai fini della detrazione dell’imposta lorda – anno 2019”, Italian Ministry of University has announced the amounts that are tax deductible and that must be declared on 730 form or Modello UNICO form. The maximum amount for students enrolled in first and second level University Masters is 1.800 €.
Our educational offer is complete, and it grows year after year with contents that are consistent with the needs of companies and of the job market.
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