Public Administration
Deadline for registration
This course’s main goal is to train/update new professionals dealing with systemic changes in organizational environments, using innovation and the activation of local, national, and international networks. The aim of MACHSIN is facing the challenges of complexity (in institutions, economy, society and organizations), social innovation, relational economy and digital transformation, using a strategic approach to policies and market, with a strong interdisciplinary view on research, development, design and management. While pursuing enhancement of all participants’ managerial skills, this University Master breaks the old business & public management’s schemes in order to reach network management.
MACHSIN’s goal is to train innovation managers and project designers able to anticipate organizational and social needs, and to design new business and policy solutions with shared and collaborative approaches.
This University Master is for professionals in consulting and design, startuppers, hubbers, managers in business and social economy, policy and decision makers, and young innovators needing to enhance their managerial and design thinking skills.
Francesco Manfredi
Scientific director
Raffaella Nanetti
Scientific director
Alessandra Ricciardelli
Scientific coordinator
The University Master has 18 modules:
– Early Bird: pre-enrollment from March 23rd to July 31st guarantees a 15% reduction of the enrollment fee
– There is an arrangement between Lum School of Management and Deutsche Bank to finance the registration fee for the University Master.
– December 19th, 2019 Ministerial decree, “Individuazione degli importi delle tasse e dei contributi delle Università non statali ai fini della detrazione dell’imposta lorda – anno 2019”, Italian Ministry of University has announced the amounts that are tax deductible and that must be declared on 730 form or Modello UNICO form. The maximum amount for students enrolled in first and second level University Masters is 1.800 €.
Our educational offer is complete, and it grows year after year with contents that are consistent with the needs of companies and of the job market.
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