2nd Level Master

Enterprise & Digital

Monitoring, Modelling & Management of Environmental Systems

Application Form








The management of the environment moves, at one hand, from the acknowledgement of environmental, social and economic dynamics that change the communities in an unexpectedly rapid and faster way and, from the other hand, it moves through the acknowledgment as well as practical application of complex systems of analysis and operational models in order to generate sustainable impacts on people lives.


A new analytic and modelling-based frontier, which addresses to cities, territories and communities, would affect the organization of territory and management units that could be able to deal with the continuous challenges facing the environment as well as anthropic processes, ultimately, the issue of sustainability. The issue of guaranteeing sustainability out of environmental transformations is recognised as a global and strategic of the nearest future. Cities, metropolis, megacities – but also regions and country systems located across the globe do still lack of coherent and multi-scale institutions able to manage the knowledge and governance of policies on such a crucial issue. This issue is, at the same time, social and economic, technical and knowledge-based whose strategic knowledge is oriented towards coherent frameworks of political government of territories and countries which are ever more integrated one another in complex systems of production and residential relationships.


This issue is today, yet, controversial but it paves the way for its stronger consolidation through a possible training of professional profiles operating in multi-scale level agencies, public, private or both, that require to be inclusive, visionary and pragmatic at the same time and able to deliver services that traditional third sector operators have failed to do. The necessity to confront with those tools under the professional and operational profile raises the need to set up an advanced vocational training programme in order to train professionals that would operate in environmental, territorial and complex systems such as socio-economic ones able to conduct data analysis and construct diverse time horizon’s models and scenarios.


The course programme amounts to 1.500 house overall, split into teaching, seminars and traineeship activities.


Click here to download the General Information Guide on the Selection Process

Admission requirements

With an increasing awareness of the environmental impact on people’s lives at all levels, the course will provide students with the necessary combined skills of dealing with the changing environmental needs as well as the continuous challenges facing the environment.

The graduate programme is devoted to train professional profiles able to accurately manage the application of management and technology processes to support public and private organisation in achieving sustainability (environmental, social and economic) in order to ensure more efficiency in support of competitiveness.


New relational skills will be also developed so that participants will be instructed on how to establish relationship with a wide range of actors involved in processes of sustainability execution such as policy makers; researchers and academics; donors and banks; other stakeholders and individual operators. By this perspective, the graduate programme gives a significant contribution to the establishment of new relationship-based networks, which become pivotal when it comes to planning and project management activities.


Graduate on this programme are highly sought after by process and environmental industries, governments, local authorities, private agencies as well as environmental consultancies seeking to employ them.

Direction and coordination

Dino Borri

Dino Borri

Scientific director

Alessandra Ricciardelli

Alessandra Ricciardelli

Scientific coordinator

Course Structure

The amount of hours is divided as follows:

  • 360 hours of lectures
  • 590 hours of individual study
  • 200 hours of tests, conferences, labs, etc.
  • 350 hours of internship



There is a wide selection of modules on offer within the programme.

The programme combines high-quality education with substantial intellectual challenges, making students aware of current technologies and trends while providing a rigorous training in the fundamentals of the subject.


The programme is highly innovative since it takes into account models and methods for systems and ecosystems (being environmental systems) which are also considered as smart and performing when facing complex situations and dynamics.


Moreover, the programme aims to provide high quality and professionally relevant graduate modules to transfer scientific and technical knowledge as well as practical skills.


In particular, at the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • make use the fundamental knowledge which are necessary to conduct processes of planning and management of the environment and territories in the perspective of a strategy of sustainability;
  • conduct a complete analysis of the characteristics and the needs of the environment and the territory in order to consider possible chances of action taken towards the achievement of sustainable development;
  • manage (i.e. planning, assessing, evaluating, monitoring) analysis and operational models to support systems of territorial and environmental management within multidisciplinary teams;
  • develop an integrated system of know-how and learning by doing which are essential in supporting a organisations and their smart technologies in a highly advanced management of systems and ecosystems.


Taught modules

  1. Economics and Engineering of environmental and territorial systems management
  2. Analysis and Models for complex systems: statistics, applied mathematics, economic, social and environmental models, science of complexity
  3. Landscape planning, environmental protection, conservation and valorisation of the territory
  4. Networks management, transportation and accessibility
  5. Processes and systems of production: energy, water, land
  6. Marketing strategies and tool for places and communities
  7. Innovation strategies and “design environment” for delivering sustainability
  8. Methods and models for life quality, health and welfare

At the end of the course programme and after the evaluation of the final Dissertation, students will be conferred with the Diploma of Master – II level in Monitoring, Modelling & Management of Environmental Systems which counts of 60 ECTS.

Attendance is compulsory for at least 70% of the lessons.

Price and incentives

Price: € 10000

– Early Bird: pre-enrollment from March 23rd to July 31st guarantees a 15% reduction of the enrollment fee

– There is a 10% reduction for LUM University’s graduates

– There is an arrangement between Lum School of Management and Deutsche Bank to finance the registration fee for the University Master.

– With December 19th, 2019 Ministerial decree, “Individuazione degli importi delle tasse e dei contributi delle Università non statali ai fini della detrazione dell’imposta lorda – anno 2019”, Italian Ministry of University has announced the amounts that are tax deductible and that must be declared on 730 form or Modello UNICO form. The maximum amount for students enrolled in first and second level University Masters is 1.800 €.

Our educational offer is complete, and it grows year after year with contents that are consistent with the needs of companies and of the job market.

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