1st Level Master

School of Law

Food Science

Application Form











Deadline for registration



The agri-food sector needs more and more advanced technologies as well as qualified human resources, in nutraceuticals, product and process innovation, Quality Control, environmental contamination and Research and Development.


This master aims at training professionals with strong juridic, economic, scientific and technical skills for the management of agri-food industries as well as to direct productions towards new “chains” of commercialization and propensity to consume, that can represent cultural, demographic, socio-economic and environmental changes, sustainability policies included.

Admission requirements

Admission is subject to graduation – Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree – in economic, technical-scientific, Quantitative subjects or Law, Socio-political or humanistic subjects.


Candidates for the above-mentioned degrees are also eligible for application, on condition of being able to graduate by the extra session of the Academic Year 2018-2019 (March 2020).
Such candidates shall be admitted conditionally, and can complete their application only after graduation.

Direction and coordination

Giuseppina Marilia Tantillo

Giuseppina Marilia Tantillo

Scientific director

Francesco Alicino

Francesco Alicino

Scientific director

Domenico Morrone

Domenico Morrone

Scientific coordinator

Course Structure

The hours are divided as follows:

  • 600 hours of teaching:
    • 400 hours of lessons
    • 200 hours of exercises, group work, projects, workshops, etc.
  • 350 hours of training in institutions, public administration or Italian or foreign companies
  • 550 hours of individual study and elaboration of the project work



Mafoos has 11 modules

  1. Chemical-physical and nutritional characteristics of foods (nutritional composition, functional foods, GMO and biologic foods);
  2. Foods: biologic, chemical, physical risk (chemical, microbiological, physical risk and the foodborne diseases);
  3. Hygiene and technology management of the processing of vegetable foods (oil, wine, cereal and fruits and vegetables production chain);
  4. Hygiene and technology management of the processing of foods of animal origin: milk, eggs, meat, honey (production chain of fresh and processed meat, fish, milk and milk products, honey);
  5. Foods and new technologies of production, preservation and commercialization;
  6. European law for food safety;
  7. Food labelling and Consumer Code;
  8. Foods and chronic degenerative diseases;
  9. Nutrition and prevention;
  10. Management and development of sustainable food productions;
  11. Project work, where tools and models learned in previous modules are applied.

This Master provides 60 ECTS.

Attendance is compulsory for at least 80% of lessons.

Price and incentives

Price: € 7500 – including Lead Auditor/Auditor Systems of Quality Management (updated for ISO9001:2015 and ISO 19011:2018) and Internal Auditor GlobalGAP certifications

Our educational offer is complete, and it grows year after year with contents that are consistent with the needs of companies and of the job market.

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