Enterprise & Digital
The Executive Master in “Fashion Retail Management” – EMFAREM, by Lum Business School & Consulting in collaboration with LUM University’s School of Law is an educational path that aims to give an insight of the fundamental topics about the management of companies in fashion retail, so to participate in creating professional profiles able to successfully face this competitive and ever changing scenario. The approach is mainly operational and based on teachers’ experiences, as they all belong to important national and international fashion retail companies and managerial consulting.
We aim to encourage the professional growth of all candidates, improving their specific skills and making them well aware about problems and functions in a retail company and how to relate with them.
EMFAREM, in fact, has the aim to allow all students to acquire a solid managerial and entrepreneurial culture, so to gain roles higher responsibility in the company they work for, to acquire a better understanding of the role they have or are willing to achieve, and to enter this environment as leaders.
During the educational path, there is the intervention of widely known and very talented managers and entrepreneurs of fashion retail, and they are going to share their professional life, success stories of companies they led or still lead, and their opinions about the main issues in retail and its perspectives. An extraordinary, maybe unique, opportunity to establish personal relationships with professionals that are a referring point for the careers of many people.
This Executive Master is designed for people with high school diploma or degree, both working or unemployed, but interested in fashion retail and that are aware that training and dialogue are the key to professional growth and let people look at their present and/or future career with more ease and the right ambition.
Marco Bacini
Scientific coordinator
At the end of the Executive Master and after the evaluation of the final dissertation, the qualification is obtained.
Attendance is compulsory for at least 70% of total class hours
– There is a 10% reduction for LUM University’s graduates
– There is an arrangement between Lum School of Management and Deutsche Bank to finance the registration fee for the University Master.
– With April 29th, 2016 n.288 Ministerial decree, “Spesa massima corsi di istruzione per le Università non statali di cui all’art. 15, comma 1, lettera e) del D.P.R. 22 dicembre 1986, n. 917”, Italian Ministry of University has announced the amounts that are tax deductible and that must be declared on 730 form or Modello UNICO form. The maximum amount for students enrolled in first and second level University Masters is 1.800 €.
Our educational offer is complete, and it grows year after year with contents that are consistent with the needs of companies and of the job market.
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