The fiscal code is your social security number and tax file number for Italy. All students must have a fiscal code in order to enroll at the University LUM Jean Monnet. You can obtain it from the Italian Consulate in your home country. As not all Consulates provide this service, you will be able to obtain it upon arrival in Italy. Once you are in Italy, you will need to visit the Taxation Office. The procedure of obtaining fiscal code will be explained during the orientation session.
Permanent home street address
Current home address (if different)
Any communication of the Admission Office will be sent to this account.
basicgoodfluentmother tongue
Other 2
I have studied my university degree at an English-speaking university.I am currently working, or have worked, in an English-speaking company or organisation and have done so for a number of years.My spouse/partner is English mother tongue and I communicate on a daily basis in English.Other
International Business in China - MIBCMade in Italy, Fashion and Luxury Management - MIFLCareers with the European Union - MACEUMonitoring, Modelling & Management of Environmental Sistems - MOAMESStartup management, entrepreneurship and venture capital - EMSEVFoundation Year - FOUNDATION YEARArt & Design Management - MADEMFood Science - MAFOOSChange Management & Social Innovation - MACHSINFashion Retail Management - EMFAREM
Why do you want to attend this Programme?*
(maximum 1000 words in English)
Have you applied to other business schools in Italy or elsewhere?*
Are you currently employed?*
Please upload the requested documents
(pdf format max 3MB)
If you have chosen one of the above mentioned criteria please upload a declaration explaining it. (pdf format max 3MB)
* Required fields
Please read our updated privacy policy at the following link I acknowledge that my personal data will be processed in accordance with the law and I confirm to have read and understood the privacy statement.
I undersigned have verified that I have understand and accept the conditions for the admission to the Specializing Master’s Programme at LUM University. I also have verifed that all information contained in this form are complete and truthful.